The HELMET project will benefit from the linking with the previous initiatives related to the introduction of the GNSS in the land transportation domain carried out by the partners. Particularly, Radiolabs and DLR – Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – Und Raumfahrt EV, participated as partners in the ESA 3InSat project where a railway test bed has been set up in Sardinia. Later, Radiolabs, DLR Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – Und Raumfahrt EV and SOGEI participated to the H2020 ERSAT EAV project where the 2-tiers augmentation network has been designed, deployed and tested.

Moreover, Radiolabs leaded the RHINOS project in cooperation with the most important excellence centres in the world (as GPS Stanford Lab, Nottingham University, DLR Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – Und Raumfahrt EV, SOGEI and Pardubice University). The objective of this project was the identification of the GNSS-based LDS architecture suitable for rail considering railway safety requirements.

Furthermore, Radiolabs took part of the STARS project focusing on GNSS signal reception in railway environments and, together with DLR Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft – Und Raumfahrt EV, participates to the ongoing ERSAT GGC, aiming at the classification of the track areas in terms of GNSS reception quality. The HELMET project will be strongly linked to the Italian strategic initiative EMERGE (co-founded by MISE) for connected cars, and aiming to realize a centre of excellence and a test bed in L’Aquila (Abruzzo Region) for exploiting the new GALILEO services (Open Service, Open Service Navigation Message Authentication and High Accuracy Service).

EMERGE project is coordinated by Radiolabs and backed by FCA-CRF (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles – Fiat Research Centre). The EMERGE project will provide to HELMET the testing facilities for the implementation of the proof of concept of HELMET, multimodal AIMN and Multi-sensor OBU (MOBU) FDE (Fault Detection and Exclusion) and data fusion for the specific cases of automotive and UAV applications.